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Key skills: 2+ years as Systems Analyst / REST / SQL / UML / BPMN / technical documentation
System Analyst

Шукаємо системного аналітика до себе в команду на проєкт пов'язаний з розвитком систем BSS стека одного з найбільших телеком операторів України. Необхідно комунікувати з бізнес-замовником та формувати вимоги до доопрацювання як систем оператора, так і систем партнерів.

Необхідно мати практичний досвід підготовки діаграм UML (UseCase, Component, Sequence), BPMN.

Вітається також наявність практичного досвіду роботи з REST API (Postman, CURL), знання SQL. Можна працювати як в офісі, так і full remote, на вибір. 

Required skills:

  • Higher education
  • Experience of at least 2 years of participation in IT projects as a systems analyst.
  • Availability of practical experience in collecting, analyzing and formalizing the requirements of the customer or business users, as well as writing, agreeing and managing the life cycle of technical documentation;
  • Understanding of REST-architecture, basics of DBMS;
  • Knowledge of standards for building IT services;
  • Professional knowledge of notation UML, BPMN, SQL, Enterprise architect, Jira, Confluence
  • Knowledge of SQL, Oracle PL/SQL is desirable;
  • Experience with systems such as Billing, DWH, etc. is desirable.


  • Studies and analyzes the architecture and interaction of existing telecom systems
  • Analyzes the needs of the customer, possible limitations and offers a target architecture of the solution agrees solutions with stakeholders
  • Carries out expert assessment of the project documentation developed by the customer (briefings, concepts, etc. — further Business Requirements )
  • Coordinates business requirements with the customer and other stakeholders
  • Designs technical solutions and manages the life cycle of solution requirements
  • Models business processes within the project, develops solution models
  • Draws up and coordinates plans, protocols of integration, client testing, is responsible for the organization of carrying out of tests
  • Prepares technical documentation and instructions for maintenance and operation of implemented platforms
  • Prepares orders, tasks for work on technological and IT platforms in accordance with the company’s procedures
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english level
salary not lower than