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Hot! #3320

Affiliate Account Manager (PayPerCall Niche)

Hire Bonus
Key skills: 1+ year as Affiliate/Account Manager in PayPerCall Niche / B2C / Ringba/Retreaver / English B2
Affiliate Account Manager (PayPerCall Niche)

We are looking for an Affiliate Account Manager to join our expanding marketing team.  

Key Responsibilities:

• Maintaining effective communication with the current clients and building long-term partnership with them;

• Analysis and reporting on ongoing publishing performance, identification of opportunities to grow;

• Marketing budget management;

• Set up offers and promote them with clients.


Knowledge and skills:

• 1+ year of experience as Affiliate/Account Manager in PayPerCall Niche

• Commercial experience with a B2C product;

• Experience with Ringba/Retreaver (setting up advertiser, DID/RTB setting) or any other call tracking soft 

• Full understanding of key metrics like RPC, CPC, quality of calls etc

• Upper-intermediate English, both verbal and written;

• Practice of decision-making based on analytics;

• Creative mindset; 

• Strong communication and writing skills, particularly the ability to convince opponents of your positions;

• Structured thinking and the ability to make data-driven business decisions.


Join our team for:

• Competitive compensation;

• Flexible working hours;

• Professional growth and development;

• Dynamic and friendly working environment.


We will be glad to welcome you in our team!

city where you are looking for work
english level
salary not lower than